In Dutch and Sint Maarten law, after three consecutive fixed-term contracts or a total duration of over three years, an employment contract automatically converts to an indefinite term, unless a 3-month employment break occurs.
Karel Frielink has been appointed member of FraudNet for all six islands of the Dutch Antilles. FraudNet is a worldwide network of lawyers specialized in asset tracing and recovery.
Recently, the debate about the implementation of the “counterpart policy” has reemerged. Prime Minister Gumbs referred to it in his 2015 New Year’s speech, and MP De Weever focused on this policy in his campaign.
POINTE BLANCHE--St. Maarten Harbour Holding Company (SHHC) NV has failed in its efforts to put a halt to plans of Dock Maarten NV to construct a marina with a pier to accommodate ultra- and giga-yachts.